15 December 2010


I really shouldn't be doing a blog post, but as a professional procrastinator, it's necessary. Besides. It's either I pretend look at the histology pictures in Wheater's, watch Emma on youtube (my free movie website doesn't really load well at night), or do this.

Let me begin by saying: I have NEVER EVER EVER EVER studied this much in my life (for an exam that only counted for 5% of total grade). Over a week straight of being in the library quiet room revising for my exam on Friday. My body is starting to reject my attempts at being studious; I've had a migraine for most of the day. Probably from reading too much. And staring at computer screens doing practice MCQs. Or it's from information overload. I'm not sure.

Also, since about...last Saturday? My brain has been on that flight home. I talked to my sister last night on Skype and all I wanted to do was climb through the computer screen and hug her for an hour. It's ridiculous how much I miss her. And the night before that, my mom had Bailey on Skype and all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch with her for a week and a half.

I want it to be Saturday at 9:45pm CST. That's when my plane lands in Louis Armstrong in NOLA and I'll be able to see my sister and her boyfriend.

And now...back to revising. Maybe.

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