Got back from 2 and a half weeks in Somerset. Can I just say...WOW.
Forget the animals. The scenery was fantastic. I mean, I've watched all the Jane Austen-y movies that feature the beautiful landscapes of Britain. But I never imagined that it still (mostly) looks like that! If you ever have a chance to, GO. It's amazing. Here's a sneak peek at what you're missing:

We passed through Bath on the train there and back, and I've put that on my list of places to go before I graduate.
But also, the animals. Oh man, lambs are adorable. Ewes...not so much. But still really sweet animals. Except when they've got a lamb's tail sticking out their vulva and they don't really feel like letting you catch them. But that's a story for another day. I did end up having a favorite lamb, though. She was the smallest of a set of triplets, which happened to already be pretty small. I called them the "Teacup Triplets", and I ended up calling her Teacup, since she was almost small enough to fit in one. She'll be a delicious lamb chop someday!!
Anyway, in the end I completed 7 weeks of AHEMS during the holiday, which means I only have 5 to do this summer. More time to spend with family and friends! Tomorrow I have the day off, which will be spent in the University College Hospital A&E figuring out what happened to my shoulder (again, story for another day) and Tuesday starts the last 5 weeks of classes before final exams. Crunch time, people!
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