18 February 2012

11 weeks.

Soooo....exams are coming up in a couple of months (just under 11 weeks, to be exact), and I'm already starting to get a bit worried. I mean, I'm pretty much on top of lectures and things. We've been doing our Respiratory strand for the past 2 weeks, and we have 2(?) more weeks before we start Renal. And then we have Easter break for 5 weeks.


For some reason, I'm sincerely terrified. Last year, my body did not have the best reaction to stress, and it manifested in some not cool ways (panic attacks, really). I don't want that to happen again, which is why I've tried to stay on top of things with lectures and clinical scenarios and such.

This year, instead of 5 separate exams, we have 2: an MCQ paper and an EMQ paper. I'm still not really quite sure what an EMQ is, but it's basically like multiple choice answers with a bunch of different (short) clinical scenario questions. The real reason I'm worried is because a large portion of last year's class failed the first time around, and some people from that group failed the second time around also. Long story short: I don't want to be put in a situation where I have to defend why I deserve to have a second shot at 3rd year...hence why I'm starting to worry about exams 11 weeks from them.

So. I think I will set up a revision schedule (Hermione anyone?) so that I feel more comfortable/less stressed about the upcoming exam in May.

Will it work? Probably not. But it makes me feel better at the moment.

On a personal note...my family had to say good-bye to one of our beloved cats, Cosmo, this week. I'm still having a pretty hard time coming to terms with the fact that I couldn't be there to say good-bye. I will really miss him.

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