16 September 2012

Fun in the North.

I got back yesterday from my placement in Lancashire and I have to say that I loved it up there. The practice I went to was absolutely wonderful; I got to do a lot while I was there, and I definitely feel more confident about my developing skills. They were super encouraging, and I really got on well with two of the vets (one of which is leaving, unfortunately). On the weekend, I took out the trusty TARDIS to check out the countryside. I lucked out and it was beautiful.

Also, the practice wasn't too far from the Yorkshire Dales, so I took a drive to Thirsk to check out the World Of James Herriot museum.

First of all, I was completely star struck.

I mean, seriously. I still remember the day my mother gave me "All Creatures Great and Small." We were living in Wisconsin then, and I was home from school (either because it was too damn cold to go or because I was sick, I can't remember which one it was). I was bored out of my mind and probably being annoying, so, in exasperation, my mother handed me the book to keep me quiet. Well, it worked. I didn't stop reading it until she took it out of my hands at dinner, and again when I went to bed. I fell in love with it. I mean, who hasn't? He was a wonderful storyteller. 

And so began my fascination with veterinary medicine. Walking into his old practice in Thirsk was like walking into the books. I'll admit, I got a little verklempt. After Alf Wight died in 1995, they refurnished the practice to look like it did back in the 1940s. It was so amazing. The rest of the place is basically a museum of the history of veterinary medicine. They have a bunch of old instruments in there, and also there's a section for kids (and vet students). One of the exhibits was mishandled a bit by an over-enthusiastic "trainee vet" and was out of commission (I got a kick out of that). 

So all in all, I had a fabulous time on my last summer placement. I liked it so much I'm going back in February for lambing/calving season, and I've been promised that I'll be assisting with Caesarian sections and all the fun stuff. Can't wait!

And tomorrow, 4th year begins. I'm a bit nervous, but I'm definitely ready. Only 2 more years left!

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