As a reminder to all: you can definitely get Fresher's flu without actually being a fresher. I am living proof of that.
Seriously. I went to one Fresher's Week event, ended up staying out way past my normal bed time and voila! Fresher's flu. It's really only coughing and sniffly nose at this point, but it's driving me crazy. I've got a self-imposed restriction to my house/bed this weekend in hopes that it helps me get better faster. Although I am volunteering at the Dog Olympics (it's a fundraiser for one of the college's charities) on Sunday, but only for a few hours.
On a different note, we had our last Dermatology lectures today. Really, they were endocrine lectures about hyperadrenocorticism in dogs/cats and PPID (pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction) in horses. Interesting, especially since I want to do my final research project on PPID in horses.
Also, we FINALLY got our sub-groups for our rotation groups, and I really do have a fabulous set of people in my group. Thank goodness for some semblance of good luck or whatever it is. Makes me more excited for rotations to finally start!
Elle Wahlberg is my granddaughter and both her grandfather and I are so pleased to read her blog. We are sending our love and kisses to her and hope to see her in the Spring when she comes home to the USA. LOve her lots. Gram Marie & Gramps Bill.