27 December 2012

A very Olympia Christmas

It's been quiet on the blogging front. I won't apologize, because I've just had the best time for the past 2 weeks.

Olympia can be summed up in one word: ah-may-zing.

Where else would I have had the chance to be behind the scenes at an international horse show that was complete with FEI dressage, jumping, dancing Barcelona Police horses...I mean, I could go on forever.

I got to work with amazing vets and see things that I would never see on regular EMS placement (including a very interesting case of concussion). After this exam, it was a treat to realize that: yes, I have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about. One of the vets that worked more closely with me and the other student there told me that I'm definitely going far in life, and that made my eyes a bit misty. For someone who only worked with me for a week, that was a very wonderful compliment that I took to heart. I really do hope I go far in life. I really loved working with the sport horses and everyone was so wonderful and nice (Laura Kraut sat next to me during a class, and I told her that it was just so nice to listen to a familiar accent which led to a commiseration about the crappy weather London was showing for the event; such a nice woman!!).

Also, being behind the scenes meant that I could peek at all the cool jumps that they had for World Cup and Grand Prix events. Seriously, coolest thing to be a part of ever. 

As for Christmas, I hope everyone got great things from Santa (and family)! My parents arrived Sunday, so I've been spending the week with them. Today, we did an outing in London that involved the Tower of London and the London Eye. It was pouring rain for most of the morning, but by 3pm it was clearing and when we walked onto the car for the Eye, the sun was setting and we got some beautiful views of the city. 

 It's been great spending time with my parents and sister for the past few days, and I'll be very sad when my parents head out on Saturday. But then again, I'll be home in March...so I shouldn't be too upset.

And now, I'm going to cuddle with my dog-sitting charge Hoss, and finish my whisky night cap. Bring on the New Year.


  1. Hello! Its becki - the mad one from Olympia! I've just had my RVC interview and just before it I looked through the prospectus and there you are! Hope everything is good with you :) xxx

  2. Hey there! I bet you rocked your interview!! So good to hear from you. :) xxx
