30 December 2010
24 December 2010
Happy Christmas Eve!
20 December 2010
I think I can, I think I can...
19 December 2010
UK Travel Chaos
15 December 2010
10 December 2010
End of Term Exam
03 December 2010
I Love Dissection...?
30 November 2010
Don't get sick in the UK...
22 November 2010
Ah, Paris...
17 November 2010
Thoughts on Flying
09 November 2010
Cows, cows, everywhere!
06 November 2010
To revise or not to revise...
02 November 2010
Living in Camden: a short thought.
29 October 2010
All day?

25 October 2010
Food experimentation.
23 October 2010

18 October 2010
I've sold my soul to Apple.
17 October 2010
I'm having a moment, here.
12 October 2010
What my social life consists of:
08 October 2010
The Woe of not being able to breathe through your nose (a Cautionary Tale)
06 October 2010
Focus, brain. Focus.
04 October 2010
Day One

03 October 2010
On the weather in the UK...
01 October 2010
Fresher's Week (or how lazy can I really be?)
24 September 2010
What I learned in my second week...
19 September 2010
Shopping in London
18 September 2010
What I learned in my first week.
16 September 2010
12 September 2010
Walking 'Round London Town
10 September 2010
There's just a few more hours...
08 September 2010
And the jitters start.
04 September 2010
So close!
31 August 2010
10 days until lift-off.
1. Print out tenancy agreement as proof of residence.
2. Double-check weight of baggage
3. Print out itinerary for flight
4. Pack alarm clock in carry-on
5. Check UK customs page for items 'ok' to bring (amazed that I still have not done this)
6. Breathe. Stop freaking out.
7. Get another set of passport photos for ID cards
8. Get international driver's license
9. Make sure passport, proofs of stuff (residence, money) and Oyster card are packed/accessible
10. Breathe. Stop freaking out.
Yes. I really wrote that last one twice because I will need to be reminded to breathe and stop freaking out, and I don't trust my parents to remind me.
It still doesn't feel real, and I'm leaving in 10 days. How is that possible?
29 August 2010
Last day at EXP.
24 August 2010
"Your visa has been issued."

Sweeter words were never spoken in the English language.
22 August 2010
And in other news...
17 August 2010
11 August 2010
What's left?
07 August 2010
34 days: Letter's in!
03 August 2010
Visa application: complete.
27 July 2010
45 days.
24 July 2010
Busy week.
22 July 2010
Flight booked.
I think...yes, I might...
16 July 2010
8 weeks to go!
This means students in receipt of Direct Loans CAN do AHEMS (Animal Husbandry Extra Mural Study) and EMS (Extra Mural Study) in the United States."
11 July 2010
2 months to go...
06 July 2010
66 days.
05 July 2010
Happy Birthday USA!
02 July 2010
10 weeks
26 June 2010
Panic Switch
22 June 2010
81 days
15 June 2010
A bit of a break...
08 June 2010
When money talks, I hate to listen.
But lately it's been screaming in my ear.
07 June 2010
AHEMS...95 days.
02 June 2010
100 days...and a Bucket List.
26 May 2010
107 Days
23 May 2010
American TV Shows I Will Miss
19 May 2010
OT: Gulf Oil Spill
18 May 2010
Money money money...
16 May 2010
117 Days...
09 May 2010
What I need to learn before London: How to save money.
05 May 2010
I knew it was going to be harder...
04 May 2010
02 May 2010
Time flies...
20 April 2010
Oh, that silly volcano...
18 April 2010
An Inconvenient Plume
What a great way to describe the volcano erupting in Iceland this past week. I totally stole it from MSNBC...but it’s the most accurate title ever. As most people by now know, the volcano that is under the Eyjafjallajokull glacier (not a typo, that's the correct spelling) has been spewing ash in the skies over Western Europe, causing airport closings throughout the entire area. Also, scientists are unsure how long this eruption will last and if there will be more in the near future (NYtimes article). Bad news for people traveling to Europe, and even worse news for me.
Why? Because I’ve planned to fly from Logan Airport via Icelandair. And if this thing keeps spewing or starts to spew again around the time I need to be traveling, it could potentially be catastrophic to my travel plans (i.e. I would need to find alternate travel FAST). So now, I’m contemplating throwing away my plans for air travel and considering the only alternative I have: taking a cruise to the UK. Which wouldn’t be terrible, but it would be more expensive. And not as fast. It would take me approximately 6 days (some cruises are 16) to cross the northern Atlantic and I would be having anxiety attacks the whole time because I’d be hyperventilating about possibly being a passenger on the next Titanic-like disaster. Ridiculous yes, but it would still happen. But, if this volcano continues to be a nuisance...I’ll be on that ship regardless of my anxiety.
Currently, the only available cruise before I need to be in the UK is on August 8 on the Queen Mary 2 (arriving in Southampton August 14). I would need to find a hostel to live in for the month before my matriculation at RVC begins (September 11). So while it is feasible, it will be more expensive (like..$2000USD more). ALSO, RVC still says that international students won’t be able to apply for direct loans until end of July/early August. Again, bad thing. I need to be able to apply for my visa and have it in hand before I board the cruise, and in order for me to qualify as a visa holder, I need to have the loans secured and I need proof of loans before I can apply. AND: it would make it completely impossible to visit everyone before I leave, especially if I need to save as much money as possible to cover expenses. I really don’t want to have to do that, since I’m planning on spending a week with my grandparents in LI, a few days with my aunt in Brooklyn (probably will stretch to a week since I won’t want to leave), a weekend in Maryland OR Amagansett (depending on construction plans) with the cousins, and then a week with my sister in NOLA. So in order for me to do this, I would need to make my last day at Express the beginning of July (which would be AWESOME, since I’d only have 2 and a half months left to work, but not good for expenses).
SO. Do I err on the side of caution and book a cruise and hope that it's worth it (and I can get a room in a hostel for a month), or do I wait until July/August to book a flight and hope for the best?