17 May 2011

T-minus 5 weeks and counting.

I've got 5 weeks until final exams. Yikes.

They're 90% of my grade for the year. Yikes x2.

I started revising for exams this past weekend, and I can't believe how much I don't remember. Well, that's sort of a lie. I remember a lot, but not details. In the Graduate handbook, you get a list of all the objectives for each subject that the lecturers expect you to know for the exams. I'm just now going through them all. The objectives are super helpful in condensing what you need to know and helping you figure out how to say what you want in a concise manner. But it just takes FOREVER. Probably not the smartest idea to leave them until now, but what can I say? I was too wrapped up in AHEMS for 7 weeks and slept because I needed to sleep. Can't beat myself up about that.

Plus, 5 weeks is not THAT short a time. This is doable. Totally and completely doable.

I'm debating blocking my free movie site for a few weeks so I have less distractions. Can't block youtube because I've been watching videos about renal physiology and such as well as dissections. It's amazing what you find on youtube nowadays.

Oh yeah...I'm also going to look at flats during the next 5 weeks. I've decided to get my own flat and live near Hawkshead campus in Potters Bar. Fingers crossed I find a good one that's a decent price.

01 May 2011

Lambs galore!

Got back from 2 and a half weeks in Somerset. Can I just say...WOW.

Forget the animals. The scenery was fantastic. I mean, I've watched all the Jane Austen-y movies that feature the beautiful landscapes of Britain. But I never imagined that it still (mostly) looks like that! If you ever have a chance to, GO. It's amazing. Here's a sneak peek at what you're missing:

We passed through Bath on the train there and back, and I've put that on my list of places to go before I graduate.

But also, the animals. Oh man, lambs are adorable. Ewes...not so much. But still really sweet animals. Except when they've got a lamb's tail sticking out their vulva and they don't really feel like letting you catch them. But that's a story for another day. I did end up having a favorite lamb, though. She was the smallest of a set of triplets, which happened to already be pretty small. I called them the "Teacup Triplets", and I ended up calling her Teacup, since she was almost small enough to fit in one. She'll be a delicious lamb chop someday!!

Anyway, in the end I completed 7 weeks of AHEMS during the holiday, which means I only have 5 to do this summer. More time to spend with family and friends! Tomorrow I have the day off, which will be spent in the University College Hospital A&E figuring out what happened to my shoulder (again, story for another day) and Tuesday starts the last 5 weeks of classes before final exams. Crunch time, people!